Eating an Apple with Only Two Teeth

Posted on September 06, 2012 by Melissa Winn | 0 Comments


Liz Grimm's’s clan (i.e. the Chabots - she kept her maiden name just like me!), recent residents of Copperas Cove, Texas, are a big fruit and veggie family.  One year-old Acadia (aka “Cadi”) apparently inherited her mom’s independence, and “LOVES” feeding herself.  According to Liz, this photo is a perfect representation of why The Chabots need our reusable food pouch. 

Cadi loves apples, and LOVES applesauce, but doesn't like being fed applesauce anymore. And, well, eating an apple with only two teeth isn’t all that easy.  (Eating an apple with two teeth before the dog or her siblings inevitably trick her in to feeding it to them is nearly impossible.) 

Liz says that her family happened upon those wonderful (disposable) food pouches at the grocery store, and the next thing they knew, they were buying them by the case two or three times a month!  Liz began to realize that both money and trash were piling up.  She noted that she used to make and store Cadi’s purees when she would eat them off a spoon, and asked herself, “why not use a reusable pouch? Save time, money, and the environment (funny how an “inner hippy” has arisen since having my daughter . . .).”

But finding a suitable alternative was a challenge for Liz.  To her, “most reusable [feeders] seem[ed] more like bendy sippy cups than reusable pouches (an entirely unappealing compromise to Cadi) . . . .”  But then Liz stumbled across our Little Green Pouch, and “can’t WAIT to try it out!” She’s pleaded, “please please please, let us know when we can get our hands on one!”

Liz, we can’t wait to get one in your hands either.  The time is nigh.  We should have a four pack coming to you in the next several weeks.  And a free one at that, in appreciation of all of your wonderful and innovative recipes. They are so awesome that we'll be tagging them all with Liz so you can easily find them!

Liz, and all you other Little Green Pouchers out there, we so, so appreciate your patience. Hang in there with us!

Posted in Before Little Green Pouch, Recipes

Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures

Posted on August 06, 2012 by Melissa Winn | 0 Comments

I know we’ve said it before – our group of beta testers is closed. But if you turned Felica (of Battle Creek, MI) down, well, then you really wouldn’t have a heart.

Felicia wrote to us and said, “we DESPERATELY need this kind of pouch for my 10 month old baby since now she refused to be spoon fed and she wants to do it herself (of course while it's fun, it's so messy). She loves those pouches and she can use it and suck it herself.”  “I even cut out the [disposable food] pouch so I can fill it with my own veggie/fruit blends, then I tape it (I know, pretty sad, but it works).”

Get this:

After hearing Felica’s moving story, and seeing her evocative pictures, we were feeling very sorry for her.  Yet were still on the fence.  Could we really hand over our very last sample? But when Felicia topped her plea off with a “Pretty please?” it sealed the deal. She was in.

When we told Felicia we’d give her our very last sample that we were saving for historical and sentimental purposes, and we saw her reaction, we knew that we had made the right decision.  First, when we told her we’d send her a pouch if she agreed to provide feedback she said, “Of course, YES!!! I mean, yes,  if you can find one :) I will understand if you cannot find one, (even though I will be really sad) . . . .”  Second, she told us that she had even made one of our recipes.  And third, if it wasn’t clear enough that Felicia was serious, she told us that she had been forced to put her lovely Simply Stone Fruit puree “into the used cut out pouch and tape it shut. *sigh*.”  You’ve seen the pictures.  We could suffer poor Felicia’s pain no longer.  

Here is Felicia’s child, sweet Rania, slurping Bananameal (thanks for the great recipe Felicia!) from what she calls her “tricked out pouch.”  We can’t wait to see her with our reusable food pouch – no tricks needed:

Posted in Before Little Green Pouch, Beta Testing

We Just Had To Make An Exception For This One

Posted on June 15, 2012 by Melissa Winn | 0 Comments

Several weeks ago, we determined that our group of beta testers was definitively closed.  But then we received this message from a mom interested in our reusable baby food pouch:

I need a Little Green Pouch for this new chocolate pudding recipe I found on the Whole Foods website.

This is what my 20 month old looks like without it:


How could we possibly say no? So we made an exception, and opened up the group of beta testers to include one more.  We hope that our reusable food pouch does the trick for this little one. We have our “before” picture, and are eagerly awaiting the “after”!

Thanks to Melissa Blount of Mount Dora, FL for sharing these hilarious photos.

Posted in Before Little Green Pouch, Beta Testing, Pureed Contents


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