Enter the 2nd Annual Pouch-Friendly Thanksgiving Recipe Contest

Posted on November 21, 2013 by Amanda Holliday | 0 Comments

Send us your favorite Thanksgiving recipe that you think would make the perfect puree for a Little Green Pouch. The top recipes will WIN a Little Green Pouch Starter Kit. Submit a photo along with your recipe through the tab on our Facebook page or this link. Don't forget to vote for your favorites! 

Happy Thanksgiving!


Posted in Contest, Giveaway, Recipes, Thanksgiving

Join Us for a Pouch-Friendly Thanksgiving and Win!

Posted on November 13, 2012 by Amanda Holiday | 1 Comment

Ok, we know that there have been a lot of Little Green Pouch contests going on lately. But we really can’t resist doing a Thanksgiving Dinner Recipe Contest. I mean, one of the main reasons we started this company was so that we could do a Thanksgiving Dinner Recipe Contest! So we’ve decided that we’re going after it, and we hope you do too.

What are we looking for you ask? Well, you tell us! We aren’t necessarily looking for a recipe that incorporates the whole dinner shebang (for example, we would not advise this). But there might be a really great recipe that does just so. Or perhaps you have a special recipe that simply does one of the courses really well, like succulent sweet potatoes, turkey and cranberry or (dare I even say it?) green bean casserole. Or perhaps you have some other Thanksgiving inspired recipe altogether. 

We can’t wait to see what you come up with.  And don’t fret, there won’t be just one winner, we’ll award several recipes that we think merit it. The winners will each receive two 4-packs of Little Green Pouch! As we’ll want to post the winning recipes, any pictures or images you can submit along with will of course help your cause. As we know pouch-friendly food isn't always the most photogenic, feel free to share a photo of the ingredients pre-puree! Please feel free to contribute your recipes here by the end of the day after Thanksgiving (November 23rd). We will announce winners on Monday, November 26th. 

One last thing (and we’ll remind you again when it is closer to the actual day), we really, honestly and truly cannot tell you how thankful we are for all of you.

Posted in Contest, Little Green Pouch, Recipes, Thanksgiving


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