Applesauce for Sarah

Posted on June 15, 2012 by Melissa Winn | 0 Comments

 Yesterday one of our beta testers sent in this adorable video of her 12 month old (I know, I know, why do we mother's insist on counting months - she's a year old!) independently sucking down her applesauce (which her mom called "the perfect 2nd child food" :)... Hope you enjoy the video as much as we did!

Thanks to Sarah's mom, Stephanie of Seattle, WA for capturing this adorable moment and sending it to us!

Posted in applesauce, Beta Testing, video

Applesauce Squishers

Posted on June 10, 2012 by Maggie Crawford | 0 Comments

I am able to buy organic applesauce in bulk. 

These almost 3 lb jars used to sit in my fridge so long after opening that I usually ended up having to throw them out - and after having barely made a dent.  

Now that I have been using my Little Green Pouch, I don’t have that problem anymore. My boys love to have these applesauce “squishers” as a snack. I find it’s a perfect healthy treat to have anywhere: at the park, in the car and even in the sandbox. 

Finnegan may be covered in sand, but not in food!

And thank goodness the reusable pouch is dishwasher safe :)



Posted in Pureed Contents

Bailey ate what?!

Posted on June 08, 2012 by Melissa Winn | 0 Comments

Bailey loves fruit. Since the first day we started offering her pureed foods she's happily consumed fruits. Veggies on the other hand, not so much. Especially the green ones. She's pretty good with carrots and butternut squash but you should see the faces she makes with peas, broccoli and spinach. And if I happen to sneak one bite in, watch out - she purses her lips so hard that nothing's getting in her mouth for a while. 

But the green ones are SO good for her! I've tried reasoning with her, but no such luck. So I've started mixing fruits with veggies and for the most part it works pretty well... some combinations work better than others. 

Yesterday it was bananas and pears (yum!) with eggplant and spinach... 

Yuck right? Actually, it was pretty good. Bananas do such a nice job of masking other flavors and pears add just a bit of tart. Anyhow, thanks to my Little Green Pouch this was the results: 


Posted in Pureed Contents

USPS epic fail??

Posted on May 30, 2012 by Melissa Winn | 2 Comments

After spending all that time making sure that our mailers to our early customers were just right:

The post office went ahead and did this to them:

Life lesson? Or maybe we just need a new delivery service…

Posted in Beta Testing, Mailings

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