Oh, chia seeds how we love you. You have more omega 3’s than salmon, more potassium than bananas, more calcium than milk, and are loaded with antioxidants, and you're also a complete protein.
Store-bought chia seed drinks, though? They are so tasty, but also so pricey. Once you realize how easy they are to make yourself, you may never go back to buying them. Here's how to make them.
2 cups of tart cherry juice (or the juice of your choice such as pomegranate juice)
2 cups water
6 TB chia seeds
1. Warm water, add to cup with chia seeds.
2. Stir well until chia seeds start to expand. Cover and put cup in the refrigerator. Let sit overnight.
3. The next day, stir juice into chia seed gel and mix well.
4. Pour into Little Green Pouches and store in fridge.
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